Synchronicity is about the coincidental confluence of events. I've recently (just in the past day or two) started keeping a gratitude journal. I've never been all that great about journaling, no matter how many pretty books I've bought and how many resolutions I've made. However, gratitude is starting to become a practice - when I'm finishing yoga, when I'm having accupuncture, when I'm waiting in the doctor's office - I try to think of a few things for which I'm grateful. I hope, then, that simply writing some of these thoughts down should be a fairly easy transition.
In any case, one of the artists I really like - Hugh McLeod (aka Gapingvoid) sends out a daily cartoon. Today's cartoon is entitled "Thank You" and comes with the explanation that if the only prayer you can make is "Thank You," then that's plenty.
So, I'm saying thank you today - to synchronicity, to my friends, to my family, to having a job with great, smart people, to a wonderful husband, to the smoothies he makes me every day, to yoga, to doctors, to books, to my lovely pink curtains, and to my mom for having them hemmed for me.
What are you thankful for today?
Hi, Libs - glad to see you're writing again.
I am grateful to be loved. I'm grateful that whenever I've lost someone I loved I could say in complete confidence that I was loved by them and that they knew how much I loved them.
Whenever the Minis get down because someone is mean to them I tell them it's because they don't know they are loved and so they should show love to their friend.
I don't always remember to take my own advice but I try.
Was that too Harry Potter? If that was a rhetorical question, I'm gonna feel a little silly.
That wasn't a rhetorical question at all - I was hoping to get other people to think about and talk about gratitude. Love your advice to the Minis - it's a very compassionate way to address the world.
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